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English as a Second Language

All schools in the state of Texas are required by Texas Administrative Code §89.1225 to assess the English language proficiency of a student whose Home Language Survey indicates the home language is other than English.

The student will be administered a state-approved English language proficiency test. In prekindergarten through first grade, students will be administered the listening and speaking components of the test for identification purposes. Students in second grade through 12th grade will be administered the listening, speaking, reading, and writing for identification purposes.

If a student demonstrates limited English proficiency, the student will be eligible for enrollment in an appropriate language program. Commerce Independent School District provides our students placement in English as Second Language programs. This program model allows second language English learners to become competent in reading, listening, speaking, and writing domains through the development of language and academic skills in grade-level content areas.

For more information regarding ESL information please see Commerce ISD Manual. 


English as a Second Language
§504 Child Find Notice
In accordance with Federal Regulations, Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act, Child Find Identification (34CFR section 300.125, 300.451), this is notification that Commerce Independent School District, Located at 3315 Washington St., Commerce, Texas has a child find system for identifying, locating and evaluating all children with disabilities, from birth through 21 years of age, residing in the district, including children with disabilities attending private schools, regardless of the severity of their disabilities, and who are in need of special education and related services.