Policies & Handbooks
Student Handbooks
A.C. Williams Elementary School
District and Campus Improvement Plans
The CISD District Improvement Plan (DIP) is prepared annually in accordance with requirements of Chapter 11, Subchapter F, of the Texas Education Code, specifically §11.251 and §11.252.
Each school district shall have a district improvement plan that is developed, evaluated, and revised annually, in accordance with district policy, by the Superintendent with the assistance of the district-level committee. The purpose of the district improvement plan is to guide district and campus staff in the improvement of student performance for all student groups in order to attain state standards in respect to academic excellence indicators.
A.C. Williams Elementary School
Random Drug Testing
Who do I call when I have a problem at school?
Commerce ISD Chain of Command
- A child's teacher should be the initial point of contact when parents/guardians have a question or concern about specific issues such as student progress, grade level or subject area curriculum, classroom practices or expectations, the instructional program, student assessment, student discipline or other matters related to classroom activities or organization.
- The school principal would be the appropriate person to contact initially when a question or concern exists relative to school rules or regulations, student placement practices, student registration, parent participation and involvement, student records, special programs and related student services, building goals, other matters related to school-wide activities or organization or any building-specific issues.
- A child's coach should be the initial point of contact when parents/guardians have a question or concern about specific issues such as participation, team rules, schedule conflicts or other matters related directly to the sport or team. If parents have athletic questions or concerns that cannot be answered by a coach, the campus Athletic Coordinator would be the next point of contact, followed by the campus principal and the Athletic Director John McSheffery (903 886-3756).
- The Transportation Department (Denny Yoakum, Director of Operations, 903-886-3778) should be contacted for questions about District transportation services.
- The Child Nutrition Office (Ashley Gilliam, Dining Services Director, 903-468-8007) should be contacted for any questions related to our school lunch program, catering or other food service matters.
- CISD Police Chief (Seth McDaniel, 903 886-3756 ext 1945) should be contacted to report any criminal activity on Commerce ISD premises.
- Health Services (Nicki Dawson, 903 886-3757) should be contacted for health related issues.
- The Office of Special Education (Mike Pope) will answer all questions related to special education services.
- The Office of the Director of Finance (John Walker, 903-886-3751) should be the initial point of contact with questions related to District finances, purchasing practices or other matters related to budget, finance or general operations.
- The Director of Personnel (Steve Drummond, 903-886-3755) should be contacted for questions related to personnel matters and employment opportunities.
- The Public Relations Coordinator (Heather Kilgore, 903-886-3755) should be contacted for media and press information or general information about the school district.
- The Federal Programs Coordinator (Dr. Mary Hendrix, 903-886-3755) should be contacted for questions pertaining to all Federal Programs.
- The Technology Director (Al Shipp, 903 886-3755) can respond to questions or inquiries related to the District's technology program.
- Assistant Superintendent (Dr. Patricia Tremmel, 903 886-3755) can respond to questions about curriculum and instruction that cannot be resolved at the campus level. Serves as 504 Coordinator and functions as the chief administrative officer in the superintendent’s absence.
- The Office of the Superintendent (Charlie Alderman, Superintendent, 903-886-3755) should be contacted initially when questions or concerns exist relative to District policies or procedures and their application, general District questions or concerns, Board of Trustee meetings and agendas, or other matters related to District operations which are not identified within the general role descriptions delineated above.
As always, bullying can be reported on our Bullying Reporting form.